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Elka TolhoekPhoto

Elka Tolhoek

Senior Support Scheduler

Elka is passionate, warm and has a genuine interest in bettering the lives of others through providing exceptional service and care no matter what she does – and through advocating for necessary change. With almost 10 years of experience in customer service in industries like health insurance, personal development and state/federal government, Elka has now chosen to work with Conexson to feel a sense of pride and purpose helping people each and every day by being compassionate, accountable and going above and beyond wherever possible. She is an active listener with a big heart who can’t wait to connect with you and make your life a little easier. “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

Elka was born and raised in rural Ipswich as the eldest of 6 children. She has always had an interest in social activism, spirituality, being outdoors, reading, writing and all things artistic. She has 2 fluffy orange cats, Arthur and Boogers, who she loves so much even though they eat 5 times a day and don’t contribute to the grocery bill.